Tassels are so now, aren’t they? I’m seeing them everywhere. On baskets, as party décor and on clothing and jewelry. I’ve been thinking about getting some tassel earrings since my sister wore a pair to her wedding this summer. I loved the look, something a little playful and ‘of the moment’ with her classic dress. […]
Month: October 2017
Weekly Reads: Slow Fashion

I follow a lot of sewing blogs and instagram accounts. I love reading about people making their own clothes and am really interested in the slow fashion movement. I’d love to get back into sewing more of my own clothing but, for now, I just read and follow along. I am a big fan of […]
Simple Kid Party Decorating Ideas

Hello! Welcome to the second installment of our kid’s birthday party series (you can find the first post on easy entertainment over here). The focus today? DECORATIONS! First, a disclaimer: I am not craftsy, artsy or willing to throw excessive money at temporary items. My goal for birthday party decorations is to have it look like […]
Easy Kid Party Entertainment Ideas

My daughter turned 4, about a month ago. And so, we entered the era of the FRIEND BIRTHDAY PARTY! I’m going to write a few posts about what we did to make the party easy for us, and fun for the kids. (Check out the whole series here) I realize that different people have very […]
Weekly Reads: Two of my favourite podcasts

I realized this post is titled ‘Weekly Reads’ but, honestly, I hardly have any time to read. We had a relaxing weekend a few weeks back when I devoured The Girl on the Train (my hold at the library finally came through! I was probably #876 in line). But in my day to day life […]
Apartment Living: Bathing a baby

I’d love to share some things that I’ve learned about small space living with a baby. I hope to do some more posts about this in the future but I’ll start with bathtime. We’ve lived in two different apartments since my daughter was born. The first with a full-sized bathtub and, currently, one with just […]
Nickel Allergy Jewelry Solutions

Laura and I both have sensitivity to nickel. Laura has a more serious allergy (she can’t have any nickel touching her skin whether it be a necklace clasp or the back of a watch) while I’m only sensitive to nickel in earrings. My sensitivity to nickel only showed up in the last 8 years or […]
Weekly Reads: Ellen Pao and current events

I’ve been consuming too much news media this week. Have you been able to read about Harvey Weinstein’s decades long campaign of sexual assault, harassment and rape, without wanting to punch someone? No, me neither. Several times I’ve made the mistake of reading the comments. Bad idea. It’s always the woman’s fault: they always should […]
Classic Books for Young Children

Books are one of my favourite gifts to give to babies and small children. Before they really get interested in toys, books are a great way to show you care, without cluttering up someone else’s house with things their baby isn’t interested in. Here are some of my favourites focusing on older “classic” books: The […]
What to buy at the dollar store

Dollar stores are a relatively recent phenomenon in my neck of the woods. But with three department store chains having gone out of business in as many years, we’re all looking for new places to shop and save some money. Here’s what’s worth getting, and what isn’t: In the YES category … Craft supplies I […]